Damen Shipyards Galati (Romania) is based in the town of Galati along the Danube.
The history of the yard dates back to the year 1893, when it was established under the name “Santierul Naval Fernic Galati” (Fernic Shipyard Galati).In 1994, Damen started co- operating with Galati by subcontracting hulls of cargo vessels. This co-operation worked out very well and in 1999 the Damen Shipyards Group acquired the yard. An ambitious investment plan was introduced in 1999 which mainly focused on the improvement of efficiency and the working conditions. The yard was transformed into a modern and top-quality shipyard with the capability to build a broad range of products.
The focus of the company is to build and sophisticated, high technology vessels: offshore, research and coast guard vessels next to naval vessels as well as mega yachts.

- Data transfer and collaboration issue with the subcontractors, shipyards and workshops
- Workflow extension beyond shipyard limits after expanding business processes beyond the shipyard’s limits
- Extending licenses
- Upgrade to web, 80 licenses
- 10 month training , new planner, production managers, Ship Coordinators and Project Managers have been trained
- Space and time deficiencies have been eliminated.
- Business processes became more transparent and redundant un-ecological paper usage has been reduced to minimum.
- A highly efficient work methodology has been permanently developed and integrated within the system, and with the help of FIA Integra consultants a new work process has been implemented
DAMEN Mangalia
Starting with 1997, Daewoo-Mangalia Heavy Industries, a joint venture between worldwide well known shipbuilding leader Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering in Korea and “2 Mai” Mangalia Shipyard in Romania has been one of the most competitive shipbuilding, conversion & repair shipyard in the Black Sea area. Since its inception, Daewoo-Mangalia Heavy Industries has had a unique potential in the field of shipbuilding, conversion & repair business, due to its favorable geographical location, best facilities, advanced Daewoo technology, large investment program and highly qualified Romanian and Korean experts.

- The lack of access timesheet for 34 pedestrian access ways, 8000 employers
- Project for timesheet access including hardware component (access system with turnstiles) and a software component (timesheet module from Charisma HCM)
- A system based on achieving internal proximity card has been developed.
- The access-timesheet solution has been interfaced with the ERP system used by SN Daewoo Mangalia
Located in the Black Sea area, Santierul Naval Constanta SA is ranked among the largest new-buildings and ship- repairs yards in Europe, the world’s 3rd place shipbuilder for medium range products & chemical tankers.

- Managing Project Management unique ship design, construction and resources.
- Lack of comparative reports of expenditures and actual expenditures for the ship and division.
- The workforce and labor is not unit managed. The company is not keeping the records on subcontractors.
- There is not a support for analysis and decision
- Implementing Primavera
- User training
- “Execution Graph – appendix for the contract” and also for the „Execution detailed project”.
- The system standardized the assessment of labor regulations on specialized types of activities taking into consideration the subcontractors.
- The company now uses evaluation tolls for the budgets for ships and activities
ICE Group – Icepronav